Wisdom tooth, which develops at the end of a person’s mouth, are the last teeth to emerge from the gums after all adult teeth have come out. It’s possibly the time to have your wisdom teeth examined if they’re causing you pain. There are multiple reasons why your wisdom teeth may be hurting you, and it is usually the case that the wisdom teeth need to be removed.
Wisdom tooth pain causes
There are many reasons which cause wisdom tooth pain. Usually, wisdom tooth pain is experienced when it starts to come out of the gums, and it can be uncomfortable to feel a tooth pushing through the gums. Another reason is the lack of space for the wisdom tooth to emerge properly because the adult teeth have already developed taking up the available space. A stressed wisdom tooth can cause swelling, pain while chewing or biting, jaw pain, and trouble opening your mouth.
Complications impacted wisdom teeth can cause
- Cavities: Due to lack of space wisdom teeth don’t grow properly and get stuck in the gums. Because of the lack of space, it is difficult to properly clean the wisdom tooth, making it a potential target for cavities.
- Infections: Food and germs can become caught in the gums, causing infection.
- Adjacent teeth damage: The wisdom teeth could damage the second molar or raise the risk of infection in the area. As a result of the pressure, other teeth may become crowded, necessitating orthodontic therapy to straighten them.
- Pericoronitis: Pericoronitis is a painful, inflammatory gum condition caused by an impacted, partially erupted wisdom tooth.
Home remedies for wisdom tooth pain
There are some basic medications that you can do at your home to ease the pain.
- Rinsing with saltwater: Cleaning your mouth with salt water is very effective in keeping your mouth clean and free from bacteria that may result from impacted wisdom teeth.
- Cloves: Research has found that clove acts as an effective pain reliever when used to cure wisdom tooth pain. This can be done by simply placing the clove on the affected area until the pain is gone. Clove oil can also be used.
- Teabags: Studies show that tea bags have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which reduce swelling and cure bacterial infections. Once the tea has cooled, remove the teabag, and place it into the mouth where the pain is.
- Onions: Onions also possess properties that can fight bacterial infections and relieve pain. Cut a small piece of onion and chew on the side which has pain until the pain is reduced.
- Icepack: An ice pack or a cold compress will help reduce jaw pain for a short period of time.
- Turmeric: To relieve pain and swelling, apply turmeric paste to the tooth area. Make a paste of turmeric powder, salt, and mustard oil.
Medical treatment
If your wisdom tooth pain persists even after carrying out home remedies, then it is removed through dental surgery. It is a small surgery that can last up to 20 minutes.
It is not possible to avoid wisdom tooth pain but there are some practical things that can be done to minimize the risk of infection. The practices include:
- Keeping a good oral hygiene routine.
- Drinking plenty of water.
- Sugary foods should be avoided.